Church Service - Sundays - 1pm - 3pm Fridays - 7pm - 8.30pm - Power Prayers Join our Zoom online services. Bible Study zoomlink- 783829 9373. Wednesdays- 7pm - 8.30pm
Church Service - Sundays - 1pm - 3pm  Fridays - 7pm - 8.30pm - Power Prayers  Join our Zoom online services. Bible Studyzoomlink- 783829 9373. Wednesdays- 7pm - 8.30pm   

Willkommen bei Christ Ambassadors Ministries

We are called and Chosen to preach Jesus Christ The same Yesterday, Today and Forever more. 


In 2 Cor. 5: 17-21, we have our Vision, Mission and Message.

We are Christ Ambassadors and therefore appeal to you in Christ stead to be reconciled back to God.

As a Church We are Jesus Christ centered, Holy Ghost led and motivated by Gods love for the world. 


Our Church service is Multicultural, International and Pentecostal. The HolySpirit is still doing what He did in the book of Acts in the Bible. Therefore, come, see and get involve manisfesting your God given gifts.  


For your donation and offering to this Ministry, we thank you for your support. 


Christ Ambassadors Ministries International
BANK: POST BANK- DE45 200100200014614204
Every Donation made to this Ministry are Tax dedutable



Rev. Prince Ossai Okeke and 1st Lady, Christina Okeke are the founders and general overseers of Christ Ambassadors Ministries International. They are called and chosen by God with the leadership team of the Church to preach the undiluted full Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Church foundational mission and vision is based on 2 Corinthians 5:17-21. 


As a member to the International Churches Convent, we gladly invite you to the above mentioned meeting. 

We invite you to our Womens day Sunday Service on the 26.05.2024. With this topic, Submitting one to another from the book of Epesians 5.21-24. we look forward to sharing and celebrating Gods blessing to humanity - Women. come and see. 

2024 is the year of our BREAKTHROUGH into Gods greater Grace and Blessings. Isaiah 1.18-20 and Psalms 24 is our declaration scriptures for the year. We are indeed willing and obedient to all that the Holy Spirit will lead us to this year. The earth is the Lord´s and the fillness thereof.  Therefore, our breakthrough in 2024 is certain not because of our power but because of Gods love, grace and mercy over us. 

Cami Newly Consecrated Leaders 

These Men and Women are called by God to the service of helping the Pastors to empower the members respectively to their God called realm in life.


Aim is building up solid Families for God. 

The newly ordained Pastor in Christ Ambassadors Ministries International, when God called and chose people we as a Church we agree with God and work together with Gods servant for Gods glory. It is great joy to be part of God grace on peoples life, to be part of Gods mercy on peoples life and to be part of Gods glory on peoples life. what a joy. 

Cami Worship Ministry

The Cami Praise and Worship team are saints that God gifted with a special talent of great voices to sing, praise, worship and to lead His people in cooperate worship in the Church.  Therefore, we are greatful to God that He blessed us with healing and uplifting voices and instrumentalists during our sunday services. Come and wittness God´s Love and gospel through music.




Junge straße 7, 20535 Hamburg- Tel:- 0175-1508768


Sundays-  Time :  1pm-3pm- Holy Ghost Service with live Music 


Wednesdays & Fridays - Time:- 7pm -8.30pm- Bible & Prayers, (Zoom online services for now)


Saturdays- Choir Practice 3pm,


1st Fridays of the Month,  Time- 10pm-12:30am- Tarry-Night prayers


Herzlich willkommen! You are Welcome!

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© Prince Ossai Okeke